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See Also 

VMware Workstation Pro

Local Resources

Installed Filesystem

Installation creates a holding area for virtual machines:

  1. C:\Users\Public\Documents\Shared Virtual Machines

VM Settings

Network Adapter

Custom: Specific virtual network

By examining the output of netstat -r on a Windows 10 host, it is possible to see the names of VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapters, and, in the Virtual Machine Settings, two adapter names can be found with parenthetical notes. This seems to allow for some conclusions to be drawn:

VMnet1 (Host-only) 
Equivalent to Host-only: A private network shared with the host.
VMnet8 (NAT) 
Equivalent to NAT: Used to share the host's IP address.

VMware Links

  1. Workstation Pro @vmware.com

Install Guide

  1. Logon to [My VMware]'
  2. Download an appropriate VMware Workstation Pro] installer.
  3. Start the VMware-workstation-full-x.y.z-nnnnnnn.exe installer.
    VMware Product Installation 
    Preparing 'VMware Workstation' for installation
    VMware Workstation Pro Setup 
    Welcome to the VMware Workstation Pro Setup Wizard 
    [ Next ]
    End-User License Agreement 
    [✓] I accept the terms in the License Agreement
    [ Next ]
    Custom Setup 
    Install to: 
    C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\
    [ ] Enhanced Keyboard Driver (a reboot will be required to use this feature)
    [ Next ]
    User Experience Settings 
    [ ] Check for product updates on startup
    [ ] Join the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program
    [ Next ]
    Create shortcuts for VMware Workstation Pro in the following places: 
    [ ] Desktop
    [✓] Start Menu Program Folder
    [ Next ]
    Ready to install VMware Workstation Pro 
    [ Install ]
    Installing VMware Workstation Pro 
    Completed the VMware Workstation Pro Setup Wizard 
    [ License ]
    Enter License Key 
    License Key
    [ Enter ]
    Completed the VMware Workstation Pro Setup Wizard 
    [ Finish ]