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Digital Downloads
- Civilization IV
- Minecraft (x4) + server
- Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
- Darkstone
- Journey of a Roach
- Lands of Lore: Throne of Chaos
- Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny
- Lands of Lore 3
- Tales of Maj'Eyal
- Tales of Maj'Eyal: Ashes of Urh'Rok
- Torchlight
- Akalabeth: World of Doom
- Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga
- Beneath a Steel Sky
- Bio Menace
- Butcher Demo
- Deadlight: Director's Cut
- Dex Demo
- Dragonsphere
- Eschalon: Book I
- Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Fallout Classic
- Fallout 2 Classic
- Fallout Tactics Classic
- Fantasy General
- Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Giants: Citizen Kabuto
- Grim Fandango Remastered
- Hello Neighbor Alpha Version
- Herald: An Interactive Period Drama - Book I & II Demo
- Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - Digital Comics
- Infinium Strike Demo
- Kathy Rain demo
- Lure of the Temptress
- Magrunner: Dark Pulse
- Mainlining Demo
- Mount & Blade
- Neverwinter Nights Diamond
- Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
- Oxenfree
- Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves
- Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun Demo
- Shadow Warrior Classic Complete
- Silence Demo
- The Silver Case Demo
- Stargunner
- Star Vikings Demo
- Stories Untold Demo
- Syberia
- System Shock Demo
- Teenagent
- Treasure Adventure Game
- Tyrian 2000
- Ultima™ 4: Quest of the Avatar
- Ultima™ Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams
- The Universim - DEMO
- Warsow
- The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Free DLC Program
- Worlds of Ultima™ : The Savage Empire
- Zombasite Demo
- Hero of the Kingdom
- Melody's Escape
- Monochroma
- Quake
- Terraria (x4)
- Tiny Bridge: Ratventure
- World of Goo
- Kingdom: Classic, Nothing Lasts
- The Lord of the Rings Online
- Hero Quest (x4)
- Overwhelming mob-fest
- Logitech F710 does not work.
- 1 2 3 Sesame Street Play-Along Games & Songs, Genius Entertainment, 2009
CD (Windows 9x/ME)
- 101 Shareware Games, 1.0, CD-X, Inc., 1994, (1) disk
- The game list is here.
- 1602 A. D., Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software Gmbh, 1998, (1) disk
- Civilization II, Inc., 1996, (1) disk
- Civilization II, Conflicts in Civilizations, Scenarios, MicroProse Software, Inc., 1996, (1) disk
- Command and Conquer, Westwood Studios, 1995, (2) disks
- Darkstone, Gathering of Developers, Inc., 1999, (1) disk
- EntoMorph, Plague of the DarkFall, World of Aden, Strategic Simulations, Inc. / Mindscape, 1996, (1) disk
- Even More! The Incredible Machine, Sierra On-Line, Inc., 1996, (1) disk
- FreddiFish and the case of The Missing Kelp Seeds, Humongous Entertainment, Inc., 1994/2000, (1) disk
- Guitar Praise, Digital Praise, 200x, (1) disk
- Guitar Praise Expansion Pack 1, Digital Praise, 2009, (1) disk
- Icewind Dale, Black Isle Studios, 2000, (2) disks
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Holiday Hare, Gathering of Developers, Inc., 1999, (1) disk
- Demo
- Lego Star Wars The Video Game, Eidos, ????, (1) disk
- Millenium Solder: Expendable, Rage Games, Ltd., 1998, (1) disk
- Graphics card demo
- Moto Racer 2, Graphics card insert, Electronic Arts / Delphine Software Entertainment, 1998, (1) disk
- Putt-Putt Saves The Zoo, Humongous Entertainment, Inc., 1995, (1) disk
- Return of the Incredible Machine Contraptions, Sierra, 2000, (1) disk
- Scrabble 1.0, Hasbro Interactive, Inc., 1996, (1) disk
- Scrabble 2.0, Hasbro Interactive, Inc., 1999, (1) disk
- The Settlers II, Gold Edition, Blue Byte Software Gmbh, 1997, (1) disk
- The Ultimate Might and Magic Archives, Interplay
- Might and Magic 1
- Might and Magic 2
- Might and Magic 3
- Might and Magic 4
- Might and Magic 5
- World of Xeen
- Swords of Xeen
- Warcraft 3 / Frozen Throne, ????, (1) disk, (x3)
- Mods
- Final Fantasy Epic RPG
- Word Connect, Galaxy of Games, RomTech, Inc., 1998, (1) disk
- Shamrock Communications Sampler Disk, 1997, (1) disk
- AOL Online
- DirecDuo
- DirecPC
- DAVIDSON PRODUCT SAMPLER v2.0L, Davidson & Associates, 1996/1997
- Fisher-Price Dream Doll House
- Fisher-Price Sing Along: Barnyard Rhythm and Moos
- Fisher-Price Great Adventures Castle
- Fisher-Price Great Adventures Wild Western Town
- Fisher-Price Ready for School: Preschool
- Fisher-Price Ready for School: Kindergarten
- Fisher-Price Ready for School: Toddler
- Fisher-Price Ready for School: 1st Grade
- Fisher-Price Pirates
- Kid Works Deluxe
- Kid Phonics
- Kid Phonics 2
- Kid CAD
- Maurice Ashley Teaches Chess
- Math Blaster Ages 4 to 6
- Math Blaster Ages 6 to 9
- Math Blaster Ages 9 to 12
- Math for the Real World
- Reading Blaster Ages 4 to 6
- Reading Blaster Ages 6 to 9
- Reading Blaster Vocabulary
- Spell It Deluxe
- Typing Tutor 7
- DreamWorks Interactive
- The Lost World: Chaos Island, 1997
- LucasArts, 1997
- Jedi Night
- X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
- Yoda Stories
- Outlaws
- Curse of Monkey Island
- Hasbro Interactive, Inc, 1997
- Star Wars Monopoly
- Triple Threat, An Arcade Adventure, IBM, 1995, (1) disk
- Quatra Command
- F-18 No Fly Zone
- Black Rein
- Comanche II, Nova Logic, Inc., 1995, (1) disk
- D!Zone Collectors Edition, Over 900 Doom Levels, WizardWorks Group, 1995, (1) disk
- Daggerfall, Bethesda Softworks, 1994-1998, (1) disk
- Bought because it seemed like it would be similar to Legends of Valour (below).
- Dishonorable mention: First expensive (>$50) game acquired; so buggy/frustrating, never bought another Bethesda Softworks title again.
- Death Gate, Legend Entertainment Company, 1994, (1) disk
- Duke Nukem 3D, 3D Realms Entertainment, 1996, (1) disk
- Games People Play, Hearts, Spades & Euchre, Westwood Studios, 1997, (1) disk
- H!Zone, Hexen and Heretic Levels, WizardWorks, Inc., 1996, (1) disk
- Hexen, GT Interactive Software / id Software, 1995, (1) disk
- Indiana Jones, The Fate of Atlantis, LucasArts, 1992/1993, (1) disk
- Kyrandia, Book 1, Westwood Studios, 1992, (1) disk
- Kyrandia, Book 2, The Hand of Fate, Westwood Studios, 1993, (1) disk
- Kyrandia, Book 3, Malcom's Revenge, Westwood Studios, 1994, (1) disk
- The Labyrinth of Time, Electronic Arts / Terra Nova Development, 1993, (1) disk
- Loom, LucasArts, 1989/1992, (2) disks
- Magic & Mayhem, Heretic Levels, Lasersoft, Inc., 1995, (1) disk
- Napalm, aka NAM, GT Interactive Software, 1998, (1) disk
- Shannara, Legend Entertainment Company, 1995, (1) disk
- Thunderscape, World of Aden, Strategic Simulations, Inc., 1996, (1) disk
- Wizardry VI, Bane of the Cosmic Forge, Sir-Tech, 1990, (1) disk
3.5" Disk (DOS)
- Civilization, MicroProse, Inc., 1991, (4) disks
- Conquests of Camelot, Search for the Grail, Sierra On-Line, Inc., 1991, (4) disks
- Descent, Interplay / Parallax Softare, 1994, (2) disks
- Doom, id Software, 1993, (2) disks
- Doom, Episode 1, Shareware Version & Companion Disk for "The Official DOOM Survivor's Strategies & Secrets", id Software, 1994, (2) disks
- Eye of the Beholder III, Assault on Myth Drannor, TSR, Inc. / Strategic Simulations, Inc., 1991 (4) disks
- Falcon 1.0, Spectrum Holobyte / Sphere, Inc., 1987, (1) disk
- Falcon 3.0, Spectrum Holobyte / Sphere, Inc., 1991, (4) disks
- Heart of China, Dynamix / Sierra On-Line, Inc., 1991, (6) disks
- The Hunt Begins, Gold Medallion Software (3 disks)
- Legends of Valor, Strategic Simulations, Inc., 1992, (4) disks
- Modem Wars, Electronic Arts / Ozark Softscape, 1988, (1) disk
- Operation Combat II by Land, Sea & Air, Merit Software, Inc., 1993, (1) disk
- Orbiter, Spectrum Holobyte / Sphere, Inc., 1986, (1) disk
- Privateer, Origin Systems, Inc., 1993, (6) disks
- Shadowcaster, Origin Systems, Inc. / Raven Software, 1993, (6) disks
- Starflight, Electronic Arts / Binary Systems, 1986/1987, (1) disk
- The Terminator Rampage, Demo, Bethesda Softworks, 1993, (1) disk
- Wonderland, Virgin Mastertronic, Inc., ????, (5) disks
Disk 1
- Astro
- Bugs!
- Centpede
- Digger
- Frogger
- Galaxian
- Hardmac
- Invaders
- Moonbugs
- Packman
- Pango
- PCman
- Pac-girl
- Round42
Disk 2
- HKPong
- Jumpjoe
- Kong
- Ninja
- Nitefire
- Novatron
- PC-Pool
- Robotron
Disk 3
- Blackjac
- Gapper
- Spacewar
- Stargate
- Starship
- Styx
- Tron
- Zaxxon
Disk 4
- Argh!
- Star Fleet
Disk 5
- Pinball (various)
Disk 6
- DSS - Dualing Starships
- Mines
- Othello
- PCDarts
- Pente
- Seahunt
- Uno
- Ravin
- Yahtzee
Disk 7
- Moraffs
- Montzuma
- PodWar10
- 3-Demon
- Snipe
Disk 8
- Atc
- Cribbage
- CRobots
- Ogre
- Pegout
- Trek23
Disk 9
- Anacreon
Disk 10
- Striker
- Iskib
- 4WD
Disk 11
- PipeDemo
Disk 12
- Adventure
- Destiny - Christian Adventure
- Dudley
EGA Games I
- Lomic
- Solitair
- Star Trek
- Fastball
- TMonopoly
- Monopoly
- Monopoly
- Risk
Word Games #1
- Eliminate
- Hangman
- Hang-man
- Lexicon
- WordPlay
Word Games #2
- Word Whiz
- Words
- Words & Words
- Sujo
- Scrabble
- Phrase Mania
Bible Trivia Games
- Bible NT
- Bible OT
- Bible Quiz
- Bible Trivia
Trivia Games
- Trivmach
- TuneTriv
Moria 5.2