- See Also
- App-Develop
Database Setup
Establish a username and password to connect to the MySQL database, and make MySQL and Joomla aware of it.
# mysql mysql> create database joomla; mysql> grant all privileges on joomla.* to joomla identified by 'joomla'; mysql> grant all privileges on joomla.* to joomla@localhost identified by 'joomla'; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> exitSometimes it may be necessary to run variations of the "grant" command:
mysql> grant all privileges on joomla.* to joomla@'%' identified by 'joomla';This creates an empty database called 'joomla', a user named 'joomla' with a password of 'joomla', and gives the 'joomla' user total permission over the 'joomla' database. Use of other values is permissible and advisable (particularly in the case of the password).
Once this is finished and the database server and web server are running, browse to the following URL: http://localhost/joomla/
Follow the instructions given to you on the pages you see to set up the database tables.
- Select Language
- Pre-installation Check
- License
- Database Configuration
- Database Type
- mysql
- Hostname
- localhost, or another appropriate name.
- Username
- The name used when setting up the database.
- Password
- The password used when setting up the database.
- Database Name
- The name used when setting up the database.
- Advanced Settings
-Delete existing tables -or-Backup existing tables, as appropriate.
- As noted below, "Delete existing tables" does not work. It gives the "Cookies do not appear to be enabled..." error.
- Table Prefix
- jos_ is the default, but using other values (except bak_) is allowed.
- FTP Configuration
- Enable FTP file system layer
- No
- At this point we get:
- Cookies do not appear to be enabled on your browser client. You will not be able to install the application with this feature disabled. Alternatively, there could also be a problem with the server's session.save_path. If this is the case, please consult your hosting provider if you don't know how to check or fix this yourself.
- This seemed to be related to /etc/php.ini session.save_path not being writable, but on Mandriva 2010.1, this is set to /var/lib/php, and it is set drwx-wx-wt apache.apache, but it was not. Instead it was related to choosing to delete existing tables instead of choosing to back them up.
- The installation was restarted, and the Database Name/Advanced Settings were left at their default values.
- Main Configuration
- Site name:
- applicable name...
- Your e-mail:
- e-mail address...
- Admin password/Confirm admin password:
- ...a password for use with the joomla admin control panel...
- Install Default Sample Data (recommended for new users).
Press the "Install Sample Data" Button.Installing sample data causes an error on Mandriva 2010.1.- Load Migration Script
- This is not necessary for a new installation.
- At this point we get:
- Cookies do not appear to be enabled on your browser client. You will not be able to install the application with this feature disabled. Alternatively, there could also be a problem with the server's session.save_path. If this is the case, please consult your hosting provider if you don't know how to check or fix this yourself.
- The installation was restarted, and the sample data is not installed.
- Finish
- The installation is successful.
- Remove the installation folder.
- sudo mv /var/www/joomla/installation /var/www/joomla/_installation
At this point, navigate to http://localhost/joomla to view the site, or http://localhost/administrator/ to edit the site.
Files & Folders
Root Directory Tree Description /etc/httpd/conf/webapps.d/ Configuration file area joomla.conf /var/www/joomla/