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! Dell SonicWALL

!! Global VPN

!!! Client

!!!! Windows

!!!!! Download

!!!!! Installation

  1. Select the 64-bit or 32-bit client as appropriate to the Windows operating system architecture.
    • Quick start instructions:
      • Windows 7
        1. Click the Start button, type "system" in the Start Search box, and then click system in the Control Panel list.
        2. The operating system is displayed as follows :
          • For a 64-bit version operating system, "64-bit Operating System" appears for the System type under System.
          • For a 32-bit version operating system, "32-bit Operating System" appears for the System type under System.
      • Windows 8
        1. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search. Or, if you are using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, and then click Search.
        2. Type "system" in the search box, and then tap or click Settings.
        3. Tap or click System.
  1. Invoke the installer (i.e. GVCSetup64_4.9.1.1202_EN.exe)
  2. As needed, interact with a User Account Control dialog to authorize software installation.
User Account Control :
 : Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?
 : Program name : Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
 : Verified publisher : SonicWALL Inc.
 : File origin : Downloaded from the internet
To continue, type an administrator password, and then click Yes. :
... :
[ Yes ] :
  1. As needed, wait for the install program to initialize:
Windows Installer :
 : Preparing to install
 : ...
  1. Respond to install program windows:
Global VPN Client :
The installer will guide you through the steps required to install Global VPN Client on your computer. :
 : [ Next > ]
Please take a moment to read the license agreement now... :
 : (o) I Agree
 : [ Next > ]
The installer will install Global VPN Client to the following folder. :
Folder : [=C:\Program Files\Dell SonicWALL\Global VPN Client\=]
Install Global VPN Client for yourself, or for anyone who uses this computer :
 : (o) Everyone
 : [ Next > ]
The installer is ready to install Global VPN Client on your computer. :
 : [ Next > ]
Global VPN Client is being installed. :
 : ...
 : [ Next > ]
Global VPN Client has been successfully installed. :
 : [ ] Start Global VPN Client every time I log in
 : [ ] Start Global VPN Client when the installer finishes
 : [ Close ]

!!!!! Connection Setup

Use only one of the following methods. The first method is the simplest when you have been given a .rcf file.

  1. .rcf file
Start :
 : Global VPN Client
If a "New Connection Wizard" window appears[=:=] :
 : [ Cancel ]
Dell SonicWALL Global VPN Client :
 : File
 : Import...
Import Connection :
Specify the name of the configuration file to import[=:=] :
 : [=WAN GroupVPN_*.rcf=]
If the file is encrypted, specify the password[=:=] :
 : ...
 : [ OK ]
 : Click the newly added GroupVPN entry to highlight it.
 : File
 : Rename
 : Enter a meaningful name.
  1. Connection Wizard
Start :
 : Global VPN Client
New Connection Wizard :
This wizard will guide you through the process of adding a new connection to your configuration. :
 : [ Next > ]
New Connection :
IP Address or Domain Name :
 : IP Address
Connection Name :
 : Connection Name
 : [ Next > ]
Completing the New Connection Wizard :
[ ] Create a desktop shortcut for this connection :
[ ] Enable this connection when the program is launched :
 : Finish

!!!!! Connection Example

Dell SonicWALL Global VPN Client :
Freedom Communication Technologies, Inc. :
 : Right Click
 : Enable
Freedom Communication Technologies, Inc. :
Pre-shared Key :
 : ...
 : [ OK ]
Enter Username / Password :
Username :
 : ...
Password :
 : ...
 : [ OK ]