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How to use a Zimbra address book in Thunderbird.

Share the Address Book

A user that already has access to the address book must have already shared it to your e-mail address via the Zimbra client.

Example Address Book Properties

Name listname
URL https://zimbra.domain:port/dav/username/listname/
Username username
Read-only mode [ ]
May be checked or unchecked to control whether or not changes are pushed back to Zimbra. Caution is strongly recommended if a non-Zimbra application is used to create or modify shared contact lists.
vCard 4.0
Advanced Properties
Expected date format YYYYMMDD
Use urn:uuid [ ]
Periodic Synchronization
Enable periodic synchronization [x]
Interval between periodic synchronizations (minutes) 60

Where username is an user-specific e-mail address. The e-mail address used is generally that of the a wanting to use a contact list. And where listname is the name of a shared contact list (as shown in a Zimbra e-mail client Address Book tab). Other contact lists may be maintained by particular individuals for other purposes.

Example Address Book Procedure

Install the CardBook Add-On for Thunderbird
Once the CardBook Add-On is installed and enabled, a CardBook tab should become evident. 
  1. Select the CardBook tab.
  2. Click the hamburger icon in the upper-left corner
  3. Mouseover Address Book >
  4. Click New Address Book
  5. On the resulting Add a new address book dialog:
    Location for the new address book.
    Address book location
    (o) Remote
    Click the Next > button.
    Type and location of the new remote address book.
    What is the type of your remote address book
    (o) CardDAV
    For a CardDAV type, enter the URL of your remote address book
    URL :
    Enter the credentials for accessing your address book. :
    Username :
    Password :
    Click the Validate button.
    Click the Next > button.
    Address book properties
    Read-only mode
    [ ]
    Use urn:uuid
    [ ]
    Click the Next > button.
    Address book properties
    Click the Finish button.