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     1000                        Asylum    1  A spooky board-type game for Windows.
     1001                  Secret Agent    6  Bring back the blueprints for "Red Rock Rover", a ruby-powered satellite.
     1002                     BioMenace    2  Brilliant Arcade shoot-out.  Blast the mutants out of town!
     1003                          Brix    4  An arcade puzzler pair-matching game.
     1004    Castle of the Winds-Part I    1  A fantasy adventure; battle with evil monsters, etc.
     1005            Jill of the Jungle    6  Explore 16 levels, collect treasure, jump rivers, transform to other animals!
     1006                     Paganitzu    6  Adventure game to discover the "Crystal Rose". Fight, explore, etc.
     1007                     PC-Gammon    5  A BackGammon game.
     1008                      Pin Ball    2  An arcade game. Requires 544,000 bytes of RAM.
     1009                   Solar Winds    2  As Jake Stone, bounty hunter, explore the secrets of a strange alien race.
     1010                      BoloBall    3  Put balls in slots and score against another human or against computer.
     1011                    JellyBeans    2  A variation of Tetris-like game. Beautiful graphics.
     1012                  TwoBit Poker    4  A poker game.
     1013                        TetRiS    2  A variation of Tetris-like game.
     1014                      Checkers    5  Play the classic game of checkers.
     1015             A Clue's Solution    4  A game of logic.
     1016                        Aliens    1  A space shoot-out game for Windows.
     1017                       All Bug    2  Catch-a-bug hand-eye coordination and speed challenging game.
     1018                       Ant Run    2  Race your ant through tunnels before hitting a dead end.
     1019               Quatris II Plus    2  A space-effect of Tetris-like game.
     1020                     Blackjack    5  Play blackjack Vegas style.
     1021                     Block Man    2  More through maze pushing blocks to reach the goal.
     1022                 Bow and Arrow    1  Hit the target with your bow and arrow.
     1023                      Brainjam    1  Cool and Unusual solitaire game.
     1024                  Slot Machine    5  Collection of Casino games.
     1025                        Legend    4  Very strange language game with the computer.
     1026                   Cat & Mouse    2  As the mouse, block the cat in and escape.
     1027               Clock Solitaire    1  Great new solitaire game.
     1028                   Enigmacross    4  An amazing Acrostics puzzle program.
     1029                       Flip-It    5  Cool variation of Othello/Reversi.
     1030                  Super Entrap    2  Avoid Killer robots in this 256 color 3-D world.
     1031                      Facetrex    4  Push faces onto their negative images to match them up.
     1032                  World Empire    3  Battle the computer and other players for world domination.
     1033                    Block Hole    2  A 3-D tetris game.  Really neat.
     1034            Herman's Adventure    1  Move through maze collecting treasure and avoiding danger.
     1035                      Hexxagon    4  Animated strategy game vs. computer.  Tough!
     1036                       Hobikes    2  2-Player motorcycle racing game.
     1037                       Jetpack    2  Explore caverns and collect treasure.  Cool graphics and sound.
     1038                3-Ball Juggler    2  Juggling tutor and game.  Neat idea!
     1039                Sergeant Duffy    6  Rescue the kidnapped Dr. Jones from a mad scientist.
     1040                       Maxtris    5  Tetris with Hexagons.  Really cool concept, better than other clones.
     3236                 Major Stryker    2  Battle space stations and fight through lava cities to save earth.
     5002                     Gateworld    6  Fight Aliens to get the richest Asteroid in the Universe.
     5005                     Gamescape    6  Design and distribute your own adventure games.
     5007               The Death Watch    6  Adventure in a land of sword and sorcery. Fight evil monsters and rescue your home.
     5040                    Body Blows    2  Martial-Arts extravaganza!  Fight opponents.  Like Street Fighter.
     5059                   Blake Stone    6  Save the earth from Alien Invasion.  Weapons, Great Graphics, and sound.  Amazing!
     5072                    Duke Nukem    6  A new standard for action!  Escape Alien prison.  Fight robots, aliens, and mutants.
     5076                   Electro Man    6  Fight invaders to find the control circuits and save the world!
     5096               Halloween Harry    6  High-octane action adventure.  Stop Aliens from turning Earthlings into mindless Zombies!
     5112            Terminator Rampage    6  They never stop and will hunt you till death.  Destroy them before they overrun the earth.
     5123                     Road Kill    2  Road Warriors Unite!  Armed with guns and missiles nothing will stop you.
     5124                 Sango Fighter    2  Power and Glory that's why they fight in the ring.
     5129            Silverball Pinball    2  Totally Radical Arcade Pinball game.  Great sound, graphics, and Dragons?
     5134            Starship Commander    3  Command starships in combat against enemy forces.  Great strategy game!
     5168          Skyroads 3-D Trainer    2  Race for your life in this 3-D rocket car simulation.
     5170                          Doom    6  The most incredible action maze game!  Blast monsters, collect weapons, explore.
     5224                   Desert Raid    2  Defeat Sadman Insane in this arcade extravaganza.
     5230                       Winfish    1  Fishing game with different lures, depth sensor, and etc.  Very detailed.
     5233                      Floatris    2  Play a tetris clone that uses 8 pieces at once!
     5240           Dungeons of Grimlor    6  Find the evil Dragon Grimlor and retrieve the gem of Souls.
     5242             Herman and Windog    1  Hunt Prairie dogs on the Range.
     5274                Quatra Command    1  Save the planets from evil invaders.
     5289                   Starmines 2    2  Fly your ship around the mazes of the planet and collect crystals.
     5298                       Sinksub    1  Windows submarine game.                                           
     7232                Ford Simulator    4  Learn about Fords and take one on the road.
     7236                      Galactix    2  Earth is under attack.  Stop the invaders and save the world.
     7401               Wolfenstein 3-D    6  Escape from a Nazi prison.  Explore levels, collect weapons and treasure.
     7403      Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure    6  Cosmo's Parents are missing.  Find them and avoid monsters, birds, and snakes.
     7405                   Corncob 3-D    2  Amazing 3-D flight sim.  Keep alive and destroy the enemy.
     7764                   Kiloblaster    2  Blast your way through an alien armada and warn earth of the invasion.
     7957                  Executioners    2  Want Blood and Guts?  This game has plenty!  It's kill or be killed in the arena.
     7994                      Vendetta    2  Everyone is out to get you.  All that will save you is your trusty '45.
     8159                     Aquanoids    2  Breakout at its best.  Multiple levels, powerups, and traps.
     8160                Catacomb Abyss    6  Magic, monsters, treasure!  That's what Adventuring is all about.
     8173                        Phylox    2  The Phylox are invading and only you can stop them.
     8263                       Galacta    2  Aliens are destroying the Solar System.  Stop them before it's too late.
     8268               Stellar Defense    2  Protect the galaxy from Yarian invaders.  Awesome graphics and sound.
     8279                           Igo    5  The timeless game of Go!  The father of all board games.
     8281                    Speculator    3  Start companies, buy stock, build a financial empire.
     8292            High Seas Homicide    6  3-D Graphic Murder mystery.  Solve it before you are next.
     8306                       Zone 66    2  Destroy Terrorist camps with your high-tech fighter.
     8381                          Oxyd    3  Solve the maze by bouncing, colliding, and rebounding your Oxyd Ball.
     8409                Moraff's World    6  16 levels of dungeons to explore.  Untold riches await a brave
     8466             Moraff's Dungeons    6  3-D Role-playing.  Explore levels and defeat the Shadow Demon Queen.
     8521                    Night Raid    3  Paratroopers are landing.  Only you can save your city from the invaders.
     8527                      Starfire    2  The evil Sloboids are invading and you must stop them or Earth will die.
     8580            Eternam - Island 1    6  Vacation to a medieval island?  They didn't mention snakes, monsters, and magic.
     8594              Spear of Destiny    6  The Spear has been stolen and only you can return it.  Blast your enemies!
     8614                   Space Chase    6  Stop "Evil Guy's Inc" from conquering the world!  Duel robots, slime devils, etc.
     8660                  YAB Baseball    2  Play baseball on your PC.
     8664               Yendorian Tales    6  The Orb has been stolen and monsters run amok.  Be a hero and find the orb.
     8712                   Shadow Keep    6  Quest to rescue the spirit of Sir Guy and defeat the demon.
     8714                        Turoid    2  New ball/paddle game with extra bonus features.
     8738            Simona In New York    4  Simona has stolen priceless treasures.  Bring her to justice.
     8754       Ultimate Challenge Golf    5  3-D Golf Game with VGA graphics and sound.
     8876                   Alien Poker    4  Play poker with the galaxy's best.
     8878                 One Must Fall    2  A Karate duel between the best warriors in the world.  Test your skill.
     8880                  Epic Pinball    2  Great Pinball game.  Powerup the Android and see what happens!
     9183              Commander Keen 4    6  The Shikadi are out to destroy the galaxy and you must stop them!
     9311                     Big Three    3  How would you have fought WWII?  Control forces around the world.
     9345                     Dark Ages    6  Action adventure game.  Cool graphics and animation.  10 levels, traps, etc.
     9376                      Lemmings    2  Find a safe path for the lemmings to migrate.
     9390                      Strategy    5  Basted on the popular strategy board game Stratego.
     9475              Chinese Checkers    5  The amazing game of Chinese Checkers for 1-6 Players!
     9780         Last Half of Darkness    6  Beautiful Adventure Game.  Find the potion and claim your inheritance.
     9905                   Lemmings II    2  More of those amazing lemmings.  Save your little friends from danger.
