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Revision as of 22:03, 19 January 2018 by Krb (talk | contribs) (Add restore operation to Offline OS Disk Replacement.)
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Hardware Concerns

Offline OS Disk Replacement

This is an example of a method actually used, but is not the only method, and may not be ideal in any number of other circumstances. A laptop drive is being moved from a mechanical hard drive to an SSD. A backup is be made of the mechanical drive, and a restore will place it on the SSD. The mechanical disk is nearly empty, containing only a pre-setup image, but is far from blank, as unused space was not wiped by the Windows reset.


This step is not required, but can be helpful for illustrating preparation related to making and restoring backups or for re-purposing a replaced disk.

  1. Remove the disk from the laptop.
  2. Mount the disk on another system (i.e. as O: for old).
  3. Use SysInternals SDelete v2.0 to wipe the unused space on the drive.
    C:\> sdelete -z O:
    C:\> sdelete64 -z O:
    • This can take a very long time in the case of large disks.
    • SDelete (or equivalent) makes it viable to perform a full disk backup that is reasonably sized no matter how large the disk is, but also is used to be sure the old media does not have sensitive data left on it that could be undeleted by another user/owner. (Bear in mind that a full, sector backup restore on SSD may be suboptimal. It could be better to only backup/restore allocated space on the file systems.)


This step is not required, but can allow for freeing up the original disk without sacrificing the ability to revert to the original media state whether or not the original disk is available.

There are many of backup/restore tools. A favorite is the Redo Backup & Recovery] live CD, but on occasion, does not work well on all hardware. In the circumstances leading up to this example, Redo Backup would not work on a Dell Inspiron 17R N7110. The live CD booted to a black screen even in safe mode.

In this example, an alternative was needed, and [AOMEI Backupper] was selected after reviewing a wikipedia:comparison of disk cloning software article. Though it was less than ideal in that it had to be installed, it had an apparent advantage in that it can inherently handle copying to a small er disk than the original as can often be the case when moving to an SSD from a mechanical drive. The free, standard version was used, though the paid editions have features that could be advantageous.

A full backup was made using the AOMEI Backupper, and ended up being less than 25 GB even though the source drive was 640 GB in size.

AOMEI Backupper 
AOMEI Backupper Standard 
As needed, supply an administrator password if a UAC dialog pops up.
AOMEI Backupper Standard 
Disk Backup 
Disk Backup 
Task Name 
Win 10 Pre-Setup
Step 1 Select the disks you need to backup.
Select Disk 
Diskn ... 
[ Add ]
Step 2 Select the disks you need to backup. 
Look in: 
F:\Backupper\Inspiron_17R_N7110_ServiceTag :
[ Open ]
[ Backup Options ] 
Disk Backup 
General Default settings accepted: 
[ ] Enable encryption for backups 
[ ] Enable email notification 
Compression Default settings accepted: 
(o) Normal 
Data will be moderately compressed. (Recommended compression level).
[ ] Save to global settings 
Splitting Default settings accepted: 
(o) Choose a predetermined size 
DVD Drive--4812 MB
[ ] Save to global settings 
Intelligent Sector Default settings accepted: 
(o) Intelligent Sector Backup (Recommended) 
Only back up the used sectors of file systems, and this will reduce the size of image file and backup time.
[ ] Save to global settings 
VSS Default settings accepted: 
(o) Use VSS (Recommended) 
[ ] Save to global settings 
[ OK ]
[ Start Backup >> ]


A full restore was done to the new SSD.

AOMEI Backupper 
AOMEI Backupper Standard 
As needed, supply an administrator password if a UAC dialog pops up.
AOMEI Backupper Standard 
[ ] System Restore 
All Backups 
Task Name ... 
Path Browse a path to select an image file and restore data from the file. 
Look in: 
F:\Backupper\Inspiron_17R_N7110_ServiceTag\Win 10 Pre-Setup
File name: 
Win 10 Pre-Setup
Files of type: 
[ Open ]
Backup Point 
Backup Type ... 
Full Backup ... F:\Backupper\Inspiron... 
[ Next >> ]
Image Information 
Diskn ... 
[ Next >> ]
Disk Restore 
Diskn ...
[ Next >> ]
AOMEI Backupper 
... Are you sure ...
[ Yes ]
Operation Summary 
[x] Align partition to optimize for SSD 
[ Start Restore >> ]