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Audio Books


Asimov, Isaac

  • The Foundation Trilogy
    1. Foundation
    2. Foundation and Empire
    3. Second Foundation

Burroughs, Edgar Rice

  • Caspak Series
    1. The Land That Time Forgot
    2. The People That Time Forgot
    3. Out of Time's Abyss
  • Pellucidar Series
    1. At the Earth's Core
    2. Pellucidar


Barnett-Gramckow, Kacy

  • Genesis Trilogy
    1. The Heavens Before
    2. He Who Lifts the Skies
    3. A Crown in the Stars

Dekker, Ted

  • The Circle Series
    1. Black
    2. Red
    3. White
    4. Green

Lanier, Sterling E.

  • Heiro Desteen
    1. Heiro's Journey
    2. The Unforsaken Heiro