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Audio Books
Asimov, Isaac
- The Foundation Trilogy
- Foundation
- Foundation and Empire
- Second Foundation
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
- Caspak Series
- The Land That Time Forgot
- The People That Time Forgot
- Out of Time's Abyss
- Pellucidar Series
- At the Earth's Core
- Pellucidar
Barnett-Gramckow, Kacy
- Genesis Trilogy
- The Heavens Before
- He Who Lifts the Skies
- A Crown in the Stars
Dekker, Ted
- The Circle Series
- Black
- Red
- White
- Green
Lanier, Sterling E.
- Heiro Desteen
- Heiro's Journey
- The Unforsaken Heiro
Lewis, C. S.
- The Chronicles of Narnia
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- Prince Caspian
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- The Silver Chair
- The Horse and His Boy
- The Magician's Nephew
- The Last Battle
- The Space Trilogy
- Out of the Silent Planet
- Perelandra
- That Hideous Strength
- The Problem of Pain
- The Screwtape Letters
- Till We Have Faces
Tolkien, J. R. R.
- The Hobbit
- The Lord of the Rings
- The Fellowship of the Rings
- The Two Towers
- The Return of the King
- The Silmarillion