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*# Heiro's Journey
*# Heiro's Journey
*# The Unforsaken Heiro
*# The Unforsaken Heiro
== Lawhead, Steven R. ==
* Dragon King Trilogy
*# In the Hall of the Dragon King
*# The Warlords of Nin
*# The Sword and the Flame
* Dream Thief
* King Raven Trilogy
*# Hood
*# Scarlet
*# Tuck
== Lewis, C. S. ==
== Lewis, C. S. ==

Revision as of 22:24, 11 July 2018

Main Page

Audio Books


Asimov, Isaac

  • The Foundation Trilogy
    1. Foundation
    2. Foundation and Empire
    3. Second Foundation

Burroughs, Edgar Rice

  • Caspak Series
    1. The Land That Time Forgot
    2. The People That Time Forgot
    3. Out of Time's Abyss
  • Pellucidar Series
    1. At the Earth's Core
    2. Pellucidar


Barnett-Gramckow, Kacy

  • Genesis Trilogy
    1. The Heavens Before
    2. He Who Lifts the Skies
    3. A Crown in the Stars

Dekker, Ted

  • The Circle Series
    1. Black
    2. Red
    3. White
    4. Green

Lanier, Sterling E.

  • Heiro Desteen
    1. Heiro's Journey
    2. The Unforsaken Heiro

Lawhead, Steven R.

  • Dragon King Trilogy
    1. In the Hall of the Dragon King
    2. The Warlords of Nin
    3. The Sword and the Flame
  • Dream Thief
  • King Raven Trilogy
    1. Hood
    2. Scarlet
    3. Tuck

Lewis, C. S.

  • The Chronicles of Narnia
    1. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
    2. Prince Caspian
    3. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
    4. The Silver Chair
    5. The Horse and His Boy
    6. The Magician's Nephew
    7. The Last Battle
  • The Space Trilogy
    1. Out of the Silent Planet
    2. Perelandra
    3. That Hideous Strength
  • The Problem of Pain
  • The Screwtape Letters
  • Till We Have Faces

Tolkien, J. R. R.

  • The Hobbit
  • The Lord of the Rings
    1. The Fellowship of the Rings
    2. The Two Towers
    3. The Return of the King
  • The Silmarillion